What is the perfect shape of a body?
That’s up to you. Do you want to be slim, normal, athletic, muscular, or be a bodybuilder? I am no longer going to be releasing my app but I will be using it to give my supporters and clients Fitness Game Plans. Get your own game plan by filling out the survey above. In the video below you can see how I will create your own customized strategy.
Just FYI, I’ve improved the app significantly in order to deliver better and more accurate game plans.
What information will I be providing you with using the Perfect Shape Formula App?
- Full assessment of where you stand now.
- Estimated body fat based on Fitness Adaptation’s own personal experience and data.
- Unlike BMI, you get to see where you stand now and how to get to your goal taking current lean body mass and body fat into consideration.
- Customized and personalized nutrition recommendation on how to reach your goal.
- Customized and personalized weight training recommendation on how to reach your goal.
- Link to my Gymming at Home YouTube Channel.
- Articles to educate you and further understand how to reach your goals.
The Perfect Body Shape Formula – The ultimate ideal body shape calculator:
The purpose of this app is to give you a complete breakdown of how to achieve any fitness goal. I’ve spend over a decade as a personal trainer studying the idea and science behind creating the perfect body. I’ve done thousands of assessments and created thousands of programs for all type of clients. I’ve competed for over 5 years in bodybuilding shows and have studied the science of creating the perfect physique.
What is the perfect physique?
Picture on right is from 06/20/2020
The perfect physique is the one that makes you happy and that satisfies whatever goal you wish to accomplish. Magazines and media want to paint a picture of what the perfect human is. The problem is that people come in all shapes and sizes. Another problem is that people have very specific genetics. The perfect body isn’t what some magazine says, the perfect body is the body that you personally desire.
The bodybuilding industry for both males and females is the perfect example of the abundance of body types people desire. Some women want to compete as bikini competitors. They don’t want a ton of muscle but still want to look lean and athletic. Some want to push the envelope and have a lot of muscle and look very muscular. It is a preference and you must eat and train accordingly. The same goes for men. Some men do not want to be mass monsters. They want to be athletic and lean and have the magazine every day man type of look. This is the reason why the bodybuilding competitions have so many categories to choose from.
The two biggest factors when it comes to understanding and achiving the perfect body are:
- Where do you currently stand?
- Where do you want to be?
Once you answer these questions you can then come up with a game plan. This is what the app does for you. It is not the ultimate solution. It is only a guide from the viewpoint of a professional trainer. It is an analysis that tells you what you need to do to reach your goal. After that, the actual execution of the game plan, is on you.
I created this app to take away the hassle of guessing what the right program is to reach your ideal body. The information you get will save you on average $100 that you’d pay for a consultation with a Personal Trainer to give you much less and incomplete advice. The app allows you to choose your ideal body based on 5 different body types that comes with a description. Enter the required information, choose what type of body you desire, and you’ll get a report that tells you how long it’d take to reach the goal following the proper program and how to go about it in terms of training.
Should you need additional help services are provided. At the very least, you’ll be informed on what you need to do and how to reach your goal. With the app, you can do your own follow ups every month to see how you are progressing. Every follow up saves you about $100. Over a year you save about $1200. Get it now for a one time investment of $15.
Watch this video to see how I came up with the Perfect Body Shape Formula.
Let’s discuss the following topics when it comes to the perfect body shape (click on the topic to jump straight into it):
- What is the perfect body shape?
- Building the perfect body
- The perfect body workout
- The perfect body measurement
- Being truly healthy
- The Perfect Body Shape Formula Step 1
- The Perfect Body Shape Formula Step 2
- The Perfect Body Shape Formula Step 3
- The Perfect Body Shape Formula Step 4
What is the perfect body shape?
Before I discuss the 4 simple steps that make up the Perfect Body Shape Formula, let’s discuss what it means to have the perfect body. The perfect body is not just about what you look like physically but how you feel mentally and spiritually.
When it comes to having the perfect body, it is not what typical magazines or your favorite social media influecer wants you to believe. Most magazines are not only realistic, they use photoshop and other software programs to doctor pictures. They resize body proportions, take away blemishes, stretch marks, and anything that would make the model anything but perfect according to their standards. Social media influencers do the exact same thing. Not to mention the implants and surgeries they have to achieve mainstream mythical ideal image. You can see how far from reality this is. Open your eyes and change your frame of mind.
The perfect body depends on a couple variables. Number one, what are your God given genetics? Were you born with thick thighs, a small waist, broad shoulders? We are all born with different characteristics. We have to take what we were blessed with and improve upon that. Number two, if you are an athlete, what movements are the most dominant and what parts of your body are the most important to strengthen? If you want to compete in a bodybuilding competition, what division do you want to compete in? Do you prefer a slim body or a muscular body? In the end, the perfect body has to be tailored to your needs and what you were born with.
If I had to summarize it for you, from my professional opinion, what the perfect body is, it is one that is at a healthy body fat percentage and is functionally fit. The perfect body is free from muscular imbalances and nurtured enough to have a strong immune system, strong heart, and no diseases. Some things you can work on, such as lean body mass, and some things such as skeletal structure you can’t.
Is your body healthy? Do you have hormonal balance? Do you need to fix muscular imbalances (slouching, knee pain, shoulder pain)? All this goes hand in hand in how you look and feel about yourself! Having forward shoulders is a muscular imbalance when your hip flexors and shoulders are tight, rotator cuff is weak, and makes you look down and weak. The inability to squat correctly leads to weak glutes and a flat butt. Not consuming healthy whole foods and vitamins and minerals causes dry skin, acne, and makes you age faster. Hormonal imbalances can lead to baldness and other side effects and sicknesses.
My recommendation is that you check out the Perfect Body Shape Formula and find out what your ideal body type is. Additionally, the Perfect Body Shape Formula will tell you what you need to do to achieve that body. Do not neglect nutrition just to fit the part physically. An unhealthy body deteriorates and the aesthetics will fade fast.
The picture above to the left is Fitness Adaptations when I was 30 years old (I’m 39 at the moment as of July of 2020). After years of competing, acquiring many certifications as well as trial and error later, I figured out how to get into great shape and keep it for the rest of my life. Follow the Perfect Body Shape Formula and train with me live for free on YouTube 5x’s a week. Give me the opportunity to help you achieve long term health and fitness success!
Want me to create a basic report and/or customized for you? Check out the done for you products:
Online Personal Training packages
Building the perfect body: What good is it to lose 50 pounds, stressed out of your mind, starving, and your hormones out of wack?
Not to mention you’ll then suffer a major rebound causing you to not only gain the 50 pounds back, but possibly more with a deteriorated body. If you make a second attempt with the same strategy, you’ll have a harder time losing weight, you’ll destroy your metabolism further, and once again, you’ll rebound, but this time, you may become morbidly obese for the rest of your life. Not too mention potential diabetes, high blood pressure, heart and cardiovascular issues, etc.
What is the Perfect body workout?
Then you have the training aspect. Can you lose 100 lbs just walking on a treadmill? Yes. But it starts where? Nutrition. What are the cons of just walking your way to 100 lb weight loss? If you just walk you can eventually develop muscle imbalances that could potentially derail your success. It’s the same with weight training. If you train with bad technique even if you’re in decent shape, you can develop muscle imbalances that can stop your progress in it’s tracks!
My advice is that you mix it up. On your days off, go for a 45 minute easy walk to keep you active. If you’re very obese and have no weightlifting experience, go ahead and use the treadmill as your primary way to lose weight. Check out my How to lose weight by walking on a treadmill post to guide you. However, start incorporating some simple weight lifting workouts so that you can get stronger and focus on balancing your body. Check out my treadmill reviews article for more insight about how to get started if you’re a beginner.
Hire a coach to teach you proper technique and that can guide you into the proper way to lift weights in order to achieve a specific look. The Perfect Body Shape Formula gives you 5 scenarios for what body type you may find ideal. All 5 body types have different approaches to achieve that look. Check it out and start off on the right path.
Here’s an amazing example that I provide to all my female clients regarding muscle imbalances:
Wearing heels makes your calves tight. Tight calves cause knee problems. Compound that with sitting at a desk and you’ll develop tight hips and hamstrings. You’ll develop weak glutes from the tight hips which then cause back pain. Then start rounding your body which causes tight traps, middle back which leads to tight neck muscles and eventually you end up with a “migraine”! All because of wearing heels without stretching your calves, hip flexors, and weakening of the glutes. The same will be true for overweight men who only walk and don’t train their glutes, core, or stretch.
The perfect body measurement: The perfect body isn’t what a magazine says or what social media depicts as beautiful or acceptable!
The perfect body is based on your height, your weight, how lean you want to look, how strong you want to be, and what your favorite sport or leisure activity may be.
I’ve created different charts for every step of the Perfect Body Shape Formula so you can find what the perfect body is for you. I created five different body types with suggested weights, body fats, muscle mass, and how to achieve them. It doesn’t matter whether you’re male or female, if you follow the 4 steps, you will eventually have the body of your dreams.
In the end, the goal is not to only help you look your best, but to help you get into the best shape of your life. Forget about what society thinks. Figure out what you want! Figure out your strengths, weaknesses, and build your body with what you were blessed with.
What does it mean to be truly healthy?
It includes but not limited to:
- Healthy heart and joints
- Good cardiovascular system
- Avoiding and eliminating muscle imbalances
Forget about the bodybuilding guru’s who tell you to eat every 2-3 hours. Forget about the brocolli and tilapia. None of that is true or necessary in order to get into your best shape. That’s actually how you get unhealthy and risk major issues such as injuries and hormonal imbalances.
Without further ado, here is the Perfect Body Shape Formula.
Step 1: Find your ideal body weight, ideal fat mass, and ideal lean body mass:
Find your ideal bodyweight and shape using the chart I provide in this article: How much should I weigh for my height?
In the article, I’ve made it even easier to avoid doing any additional math using charts to get numbers.
This is extremely important so go to the article, watch the video, find your ideal weight based on how you want to look using the chart, and come back here for step 2. Do not keep going until you do step 1.
Step 2: Find your “Current Fat Mass” and “Current Lean Body Mass”: (Do not continue into step 2 until you do step 1)
Take your body fat.
Order the calipers, take your caliper measurements, use the body fat formula I provide, and get those numbers. The 3 numbers you need are your body fat percentage, your fat mass, and lean mass. All this is provided in the calculator.
Go to this website now and then come back for step 3: How to calculate body fat percentage – Calculator for men and women
Step 3: (Do not get past these words in these parenthesis until you do both, step 1 and step 2)
In step 1, when you found your ideal weight and shape. I also provided you with your ideal fat mass and ideal lean body mass that you are supposed to have when you reach that goal.
What you do in step 3, is the following math
Math Formula #1: Current Fat Mass – Ideal Fat Mass
Whatever number you get, that’s how many weeks more or less it’s going to take you to get to your ideal body fat goal. This is assuming you are going to strive for a total of 3500 calorie deficit per week. 3500 calories equals 1 pound of body fat.
I prefer that you didn’t exceed this number, and ideally I’d rather you be around 3/4 of a pound of fat per week. This will allow you to eat a little more and make good adjustments as you go. You also train your body to reach it’s goal and maintain them for the longer term (the rest of your life).
Math Formula #2: Current Lean Body Mass – Ideal Lean Body Mass
If you get a negative number, you need to build muscle. Look at the workout tab, in the menu section, and learn how to workout in order to build muscle. It’s in that article. If you get a positive number, focus on maintaining and even building muscle as you lose body fat.
Step 4: Workout with me on Youtube!
Follow me on my Gymming at Home Youtube Channel, workout with me 5xs per week, and train based on the advice I give in the working out menu tab. You can modify this at any time. If you need to build muscle, follow that program. If you want to work on muscular endurance, follow that program. Study that article and train according to your plans.
Congratulations, you are now ready to get into the best shape of your life. Just stay consistent and never try to look for the instant gratification cure. It doesn’t exist.
Make sure that your nutrition is on point. Watch the video and read the article in the nutrition meu tab above.
Also, please make sure you get your supplements. Here is quick links and access to what I think is necessary.
- Fat Burning pills review – Thermaccel
- Vitamin D supplement benefits
- Best protein powder
- Pre workout drinks
- Are multivitamins worth it?
- Glucose metabolic support
- Immune System vitamins
- Paul stamets mushroom supplements
- Hemp flower for sale online
Useful training posts to maximize your results:
- How to improve range of motion
- How long to rest between sets
- Benefits of cardio exercise
- At home workouts for beginners
- Posture corrector back brace
- Weighted jump rope workout
- Best workout shoes
Come train with me live on Youtube:
All you need are dumbbells and kettlbells:
- Sundays: Kettlebell workout weight loss
- Mondays: Chest workouts for strength
- Fridays: Leg workouts bodybuilding
- Saturdays: Back workouts for mass
The ultimate and most complete Health and Fitness Resources:
Fitness for Life 5 day articles:
- Best Online Fitness Program for Weight loss, Muscle Building, Strength
- Day 1 – How many calories do I need a day?
- Day 2 – How to accurately calculate macros
- Day 3- What are the components of an effective weight training program?
- Day 4 – What bodybuilding supplements should I take?
- Day 5 – Creating the Perfect Fitness Game Plan
Need a coach? If you thinking of competing, see my contest prep articles that includes information about how to go about a bodybuilding contest prep program, amount of cardio, programming, and more.
Do you want to become a personal trainer? Check out my how to become a personal trainer where I give you advice, tips, and resources to get you started.
Learn to control your calories, hunger, and making nutrition a lifestyle by learning about 96 hour fast weight loss results, low carb diets such as ketogenic, what is keto for beginners, and mix that up with carbs using the Fat Cycling Method, Fat Cycling Diet? Keto ish Weight loss system.
Once your nutrition is programmed, then learn to workout. How should you be working out to get your ideal body type? How heavy? How many reps? How much rest? If you want to workout from home check out Gymming at Home – Essential Equipment to get my recommendations for tools, equipment, and workout schedule for my YouTube workouts. Make sure you check out my proform and norditrack treadmill reviews if you are interested in starting off your journey by walking or jogging the weight off. I give you tips and guidelines to get the best results.
Order your overall health, performance, fat burners, and protein powder from here: dotFit Customized Supplementation Program
One of the most important tools to help you on your journey are tools that will help you track your daily goals, best fitness tracker with heart rate monitor, whether it’s the Fitbit Charge 4, Whoop Strap 3.0, or calorie intake app. After your workout, make sure you clean up. Want to make it easy? Check out the Microfiber Duster Mop Slippers Review.
Check out these other topics and books that I highly recommend: (My article and purchase)
- Contest prep diet
- Frank Zane abs workout
- Frank Zane workout
- Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding
- Better than steroids book