Best Online Weight loss Program

If you are serious about losing weight then all you need to do is make sure you have these 3 variables in place:

  1. Have the right weight training program
  2. Create the right nutrition program to compliment your weight training program.
  3. Monitor your results week to week using a 4 week timeframe as the ultimate measure to see whether or not you’re moving in the right direction.

How to choose the right weight training program

The thing about losing weight is that it can be counterproductive if you don’t understand body composition. Body composition is the amount of lean muscle you have vs the amount of body fat you carry. When people lose weight they also want to get toned. In order to get toned you actually need to go through body recomposition. Most people nowadays have less lean muscle than what would be required for them to have a normal body type. In that case a muscle building program is mandatory.

With that said, the first thing you need to do figure out what your body fat is at the current moment. The next thing you need to do is figure out what your ideal body type is. Once you know both of these you can figure out how much fat you need to lose and how much muscle you need to build. This information will help choose the right weight training program for your specific goal.

Maquina Strength has various online coaching programs where you can get the help you need in order to create the best online weight loss program specifically customized to you.

On this website I also created this program called Fitness for Life. It’s a do it yourself step by step guide if you can’t afford our services. Keep going if this is your only option.

Step 1: Create your Fitness for Life Program:

Day 1 – Calculate your Calories

Day 2 – All About Macros

Day 3 – Choosing the Right Weight Training Program

Day 4 – All about Supplements

Day 5 – Execute your customized fitness game plan

Take it one day at a time:

This is a free step by step program for those wanting a simple do it yourself fitness game plan. Choose the goal you want to achieve and get results. The idea is to do you daily homework. Read the post, follow the instructions, and complete each day.

Can you do it all in one day?

Absolutely. However, if you’re limited in time or you don’t want to be overwhelmed with information, take it one day at a time. Bookmark this post and come back to it. My suggestion is to have a notebook and write it all out. If you want direct help from me or want me to be your online coach apply for coaching, we’ll set up a free 30 minute meeting, and we’ll go from there. If this program helps please share it with your friends, family, and your social media.

Step 2: Follow complete and structure workouts:

Subscribe to the Gymming at Home YouTube Channel. You’ll have access to over hundreds of pre-recorded workouts plus take part in 4 live workouts per week. Every workout includes instructions of exercises, execution, suggestions, and program description.

Follow your Fitness for Life Game Plan and workout 4-6x’s per week, live or in replay. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook. Ask questions and motivate others by sharing your experience. Show up to the classes, execute your game plan, and get RESULTS!

Step 3: Put it all together!

Your Fitness for Life game plan will help you choose your strategy to achieve any body type. Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, put on muscle, gain strength, improve your cardio and skills… After day 5 you will have all your answers.

Show up to every workout live or do them in replay. It does not matter. With my instructions you will become a great athlete. You will heal injuries. You will develop better posture. You can be a pro athlete or someone who is working out for the very first time. I take care of everyone in every workout.

If you need private help again apply for coaching. Thank you and good luck!

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