Online kettlebell workouts – YouTube routines and exercises

Kettlebell exercises and routines help effectively develop strength, neuromuscular efficiency, and are great for burning calories.

Kettlebells require a lot of skill but it does not mean you can’t learn. How do experts become experts? Through a lot of practice!

The point of this post is to educate and guide you by showing you clips of different exercises. The clips provide a full explanation of technique execution as well as a demonstration in a live workout setting. Additionally the kettlebell exercises are also demonstrated using dumbbells.

Click on any of the following kettlebell topics to go directly to that part of the post:

Kettlebell exercise names – Complete list of exercises:

Swings, Cleans, and Snatches:

List of other KB exercises:


Recommended equipment for YouTube home workouts:

  • Dumbbells and Kettlebells – Pairs of: 10s, 15s, 20s, 25s, and 30s (Women can go heavier if they wish depending on goals but for the most part this recommendations is more then enough for women but men can go up to 50’s and more depending on goals.)
  • Loops bands – I recommend getting a set of blue, purple, and gray. Maybe 2-3 of each.
  • Mat.
  • 16-30inch box – may be adjustable but you can also use a bench or chair.

Kettlebell educational resources – Get more knowledge and instructions:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Kettlebells:

Are kettlebells good for beginners?

Kettlebells are great for beginners. There is a wide range of simple exercises that can be performed with KB’s that don’t require a high degree of skill. KB’s are easy to maneuver and can raise the heart rate up significantly which results in a high caloric fat burning session. Additionally kettlebells come in different weights which allows for strength progression as skill progresses.

How do I start kettlebell training?

The first thing I’d do when starting with kettlebells is to learn the names of the most fundamental moves. At the same time learn the basics of technique for the most common and fundamental exercises. My recommenation is to learn the swing and the clean and add other simple exercises such as rows, shoulder presses, and chest presses. You can also add some arm building movements. Once you learn the swing and the clean you can move up to more difficult exercises and even kb flows.

Can you lose weight with kettlebells?

Weight loss is specific to kettlebells. Weight loss has to do with energy balance. If you burn more calories then you eat you will lose weight. With the said, the features of exercising with kettlebells especially when you perform kettlebell flows allows you to burn a lot of calories. It is almost the equivalent of going for a jog or a moderate intensity walk but with much more load. This not only helps you burn a lot of calories but builds muscle and increases strength. As you gain muscle you increase your BMR which helps you burn more calories without exercise. The more calories you burn the more weight you lose with the proper nutrition program.

What weight kettlebell should a beginner use?

Women can start with a 5-10lb kettlebell. Men can start with a 10-20lb kettlebell. These weights will allow you to have a challenging workout using the fundamental exercises and the more simple exercises such as rows and presses. These weights will also allow you to perform a high amount of reps which is better when focusing on technique.

Is a kettlebell workout effective?

Kettlebells are one of the most effective workouts that you can get with just one piece of equipment. As you get more advanced you can add a second kettlebell. KB’s not only allow you to execute power exercises such as the swing, clean and snatch but also allow you to incorporate other momvents such as presses and high pulls. With kb’s you target muscular endurance, strength, power, coordination, and neuromuscular efficiency.

What are good kettlebell workouts?

If you visit the Gymming at Home YouTube channel you will find 3 libraries of workouts using single, double, and even a mixture of kettlebell and dumbbell workouts. For beginners I’d search for single kettlebell workout routines and then move on to single and double kettlebells. Kettlebell flows are great to increase your heart rate and help you burn more calories per workout. Flows are challenging and efficient.

Is 20 minutes of kettlebells enough?

This depends. Does it include a warm up? Warm-ups are very important. Kettlebells depending on the workout stimulate just about every muscle in your body. If you are doing a kettlebell flow you can definitely get a lot done in 20 minutes but I’d spend sometime warming up beforehand. Personally all my workouts are at least one hour long and can last as long as 90 minutes.

Can you get fit with just kettlebells?

Yes you can. As you get more advanced you should increase the weight of the kettlebell. Depending on how many reps you focus on and how heavy you lift you can build strength, power, improve coordination, increase speed, endurance, and all in all improve performance. All this without a doubt makes you fit.

What can I use instead of a kettlebell?

Just about any kettlebell exercise can be performed with a dumbbell. The difference is the position of your hands and the points of stability. Kettlebells also make overhead exercises a little more easier to execute which allows you to perform even more complex flows and complex movements.

How do you do kettlebell swings with dumbbells?

A kettlebell swing goes through the following steps. You start with the kettlebell on the floor in what is termed the Gorilla position. From there you drag the kettlebell through reaching back through your legs high into the crotch area. When you swing back through your legs you then thrust your hips forward keeping your arms straight and allow the momentum from the thrust to swing the kettlebell forward. The kettlebell should come up on it’s own while you grip it. I like to maintain slightly bent arms and to keep the dumbbell close to my body but not too close unless I’m going for a clean. One thing to note is that there is no squat component in a kettlebell swing. It is a hip hinge to allow the hamstrings to stretch and reach max potential. Remember, there are different variation of swings but the one explained is the traditional double handed swing.

Are kettlebells more effective than dumbbells?

In my professional opinion no they are not. They are just different and allow you to do movements you can’t easily perform with dumbbells. However, there are things you can’t do with a dumbbell. They both are great which is why once a week on my YouTube channel I have a kettlebell and dumbbell workout. My recommendation is that you master both pieces of equipment.

Do me a favor and subscribe to the channel to workout with me live 5x’s per week!

My advice to all who join me live is that if they do the pre-wamup and the first round of circuits you’ll get a 60 minute workout. Do both rounds and the workout will last between 70 to 90 minutes. All workouts include a pre warm-up, instructions of all exercises for both circuits and advice on how to approach your workout. How hard you go is up to you!

Gymming at Home Latest Schedule: 11am Eastern Live

Gymming at Home Weekly Schedule (with updated playlists):

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