How to control sugar? Glucose metabolic support benefits

Straight to the point about supplements that control blood sugar:

All the information I share with you is from over a decade of research, education, trial and error. Purchasing products with my links supports my channel. I only recommend what I take and believe in. Your support helps me keep my career as an online bodybuilding coach alive. Thank you in advance for your support.

Amazon Products:


This supplement helps control and improve insulin response especially when eating carbs during Phase 2 of the Fat Cycling Method – I take it 2-3 times a day with high carb meals together with a Cinsulin and Glucomannan pill. ORDER NOW:


This is another sugar control supplement useful when you eat carbs – I take it 2-3 times a day with high carb meals together with Berberine and Glucomannan. ORDER NOW:


This is another sugar control supplement especially great when you eat carbs. I take it 2-3 times a day with high carb meals together with a Berberine and Cinsulin pill. ORDER NOW:

Digestive Enzymes:

Take before meals. The better you can digest foods the faster and more efficiently your body can absorb those nutrients. Good digestion is also important for gut health and bowel movements. ORDER NOW:

Jiaogulan (AMPK Activator):

On this page I share with you miscellaenous supplements that you may or may not have heard off. If you’re an otherwise healthy individual I don’t believe you need most of them. This is assuming that you eat whole foods, exercise regularly, and consume little to no junk.

DotFit Products: Use this link to create your account and get 20% off your purchase:

Pro-biotic (dotFIT Ultra Probiotic):

I take this every morning before anything with glass of water. Probiotics are important to maintain optimal gut health which improves the absorption of the nutrients in your food and supplements such as vitamins, BCAA’s, and other micro minerals.

dotFIT Carb Repel:

These pills help block about 10% of all the carbs you consume. It’s of great help if you’re goal is to minimize your sugar intake. Especially if you have a sweet tooth.

dotFIT Superior Antioxidant:

The science behind this supplement is that it improves creatine absorption. It’s also an antioxidant keeping you healthy in combination of the other supplements. Creatine helps your body recover better and helps you get 1-2 more reps in the gym. It may not seem like much but it’s a significant factor. I take it with my post workout drinks.

Useful training posts to maximize your results:


Come train with me live on Youtube:

All you need are dumbbells and kettlbells:

The ultimate and most complete Health and Fitness Resources:

Fitness for Life 5 day articles:

Need a coach? If you thinking of competing, see my contest prep articles that includes information about how to go about a bodybuilding contest prep diet, amount of cardio, programming, and more.

Do you want to become a personal trainer? Check out my how to become a personal trainer where I give you advice, tips, and resources to get you started.

Build your body step by step with the Perfect Body Shape Formula. First figure out, how much should I weigh for my height? and use these other sub steps included in the process:

Related steps:

Step 2, find your body fat by using this how to calculate body fat percentage article (this will be used to calculate current body fat mass and current lean mass).

Learn to control your calories, hunger, and making nutrition a lifestyle by learning about 96 hour fast benefits, low carb diets such as ketogenic, what is keto for beginners, and mix that up with carbs using the Fat Cycling Method, Fat Cycling Diet? Keto ish Weight loss system.

Once your nutrition is programmed, then learn to workout. How should you be working out to get your ideal body type? How heavy? How many reps? How much rest? If you want to workout from home check out Gymming at Home – Essential Equipment to get my recommendations for tools, equipment, and workout schedule for my YouTube workouts. Make sure you check out my treadmill workouts for overweight beginners if you are interested in starting off your journey by walking or jogging the weight off. I give you tips and guidelines to get the best results.

Make sure you compliment your nutrition plan with a full supplementation guide:

Order your overall health, performance, fat burners, and protein powder from here: dotFit Customized Supplementation Program

One of the most important tools to help you on your journey are tools that will help you track your daily goals, best fitness tracker with heart rate monitor, whether it’s the Fitbit Charge 4, Whoop Strap 3.0, or calorie intake app. After your workout, make sure you clean up. Want to make it easy? Check out the Microfiber Duster Mop Slippers Review.

Check out these other topics and books that I highly recommend: (My article and purchase)

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